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Friday 8 June 2012

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City (6.5GB)

Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Part 5,Part 6,Part 7.
(Download all Parts and see install notes below)


Resident Evil has been a household name amongst gamers ever since the days of the first PlayStation. Killing zombies was one of the most satisfying and adrenalin rushing experience of the franchise.
Today we have with us Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, set in the universe of Resident Evil 2 and 3. Naturally, the expectations from the game are pretty high. Add to the mix the element of team based shooting and we though we had a game that could give the likes of Left for Dead a run for its money. But has the game upheld the reputation of the franchise or has it crashed and burned?

The story takes place during the initial virus outburst in Raccoon City. You join the ranks of the Umbrella Security service with the objective of destroying all evidence of the company’s involvement in the outbreak. The story could have been really interesting if there were some relatable characters and a little back-story was explained. Without being given a sense of the situation, you are thrown right in the middle of the action. In the offline single player, you don the role of a faceless player and hence, its hard to derive any form of attachment to the characters. The progression is random and will leave new comers in the dark.
The story could have given fans of the franchise a real feeling on nostalgia with the events of the past games and given new comers an incentive to check out the past games in the franchise. Alas, all the game does is leaves new comers in the dark and a bad taste with the veterans.
All things said and done, a game can still be fun if the gameplay elements are spot on. Unfortunately, the gameplay in Raccoon City is appalling. The only thing that will give you the remotest feeling of satisfaction is if you play the game with friends online, as the offline AI comrades are downright useless. We were surprised when one of AI comrades deployed a heeling grenade at the right time for once.
The game is essentially a third person shooter where you progress from point A to point B killing everything that comes in your way. It sounds like a nice progression mix when you think that the enemies are varied between zombies and soldiers but the experience is nothing but mixed frustration.
It is satisfying to take out a zombie with one headshot, but the rest of the shooting mechanics feel uneven. In your arsenal, you have the option of a handgun, an assault rifle and a bunch of grenades. For the most part the guns feel and sound ok, but the amount of ammo it take to take down the same enemy varies. It fells frustrating to take out the same enemy in the same way and consume different amount of ammo.The variation in enemies is nicely mixed between zombies and soldiers but the mix isn’t the best thanks to the frustrating gunplay.
Quad Core i5 2.7 GHz, 
2 GB RAM (4 GB RAM - Vista/7),
 graphic card 1 GB (GeForce GTX 560 or better), 
 Windows XP/Vista/7.

INSTALL NOTES (important)
 1. Unpack the release                                              
 2. Mount or burn image                                            
 3. Install                                                        
 4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
 5. Play the game                                                  
 6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

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